
Energy Transition Award for
Energy Suppliers

The Energy Transition Award is the renowned award for public utilities whose commitment to the energy transition in the DACH region is exemplary in its individual segments - electricity, heating, energy efficiency and mobility. The aim is to expand the Energy Transition Award to other markets. In 2024, further European energy suppliers from France, Italy and Denmark will also be invited to participate in the award ceremony.

In the context of the energy transition, the energy utilities industry faces the enormous challenge of establishing a transformation process from a traditional energy business to a provider of sustainable solutions. So far, few energy suppliers have managed to integrate this new energy world comprehensively into their product and service portfolio. This is why it is all the more important to recognize those energy suppliers that have already managed to anchor energy transition technologies firmly in their business models as role models.

Keywords such as decarbonization, electrification or sector coupling express the basic ideas of the energy transition: the reduction of CO2 emissions in energy production while increasing energy efficiency. The goal of sustainable energy production and use without CO2 emissions in the future is only possible with the extensive use of renewable energy sources in electricity, heating and mobility applications.
8th Energy Transition Award
June 20, 2024 | 4:00 - 6:00 PM
The smarter E Forum,
Hall B5, Booth: B5.550
AGENDAProgramm anschauen

Energy Transition, End Customers & Energy Suppliers

The energy supplier is the first point of contact for the end customer when it comes to energy issues. Accordingly, it forms the intersection between the range of available products and services of the energy transition and end customer demand. From this position arises a special responsibility of energy suppliers for the success of the energy transition.

To date, there is a lack of meaningful neutral orientation for the end customer as to which energy suppliers are already in an exemplary position in the individual aspects of the energy transition and act in the interests of the customer. Similarly, energy suppliers themselves do not have a reliable benchmark against which to compare and better prepare for the future.

Unlike in the traditional energy industry, customers – private households – are active players in the energy transition as well. Not only do they determine demand by purchasing green power, renewable heat or biofuels, but some also become suppliers themselves through their use of renewable energies. Energy suppliers are thus faced with the challenge of positioning themselves in the energy transition with innovative products and services for customers and their changing needs.

Analytic Process - Customer Survey & Data Collection

The data collection is carried out on the basis of an analysis from the point of view of the end customer. Mystery Shopping is used to examine the internet presence of energy suppliers from the customer's point of view. The Mystery Shopping approach was chosen in order to consciously differentiate the analysis from that of existing award formats.
Das Qualitätsmodell des EWAs

Quality Model

The Energy Transition Award quality model distinguishes between the four segments of the energy transition: heating, electricity, mobility and energy efficiency. Each of these segments is assigned products and services that, from the customer's point of view, should be found in the portfolio of energy suppliers in the context of the energy transition. The quality model also includes communication and marketing tools for the energy transition across all segments.

The quality model is comprised of a catalogue of more than 35 criteria that reflect the end customer's requirements for the provision of products and services by the energy supplier in the four energy transition segments.

Quality Model as a Measure of Commitment

The quality model developed by EUPD Research evaluates the offer of energy suppliers in the context of the energy transition. The starting point of the evaluation is the view of the customer. The model's areas of analysis are based on the four energy transition segments. Within each segment, we examine to what extent and in what quality the energy suppliers provide the end customer with product and service offers.

‘Products’ include those offers which can actually be purchased by end customers. These include, on the one hand, classic products such as electricity and gas tariffs and, on the other hand, more innovative offers such as photovoltaic systems or heat pumps.

The sub-category “Services” refers to additional offers by energy suppliers that are offered in addition to the product portfolio. This includes services such as the provision of advice tools on electricity, heat or energy advice and funding opportunities in general. They accompany or complement the product portfolio. The quality model's criteria expresses the multi-layered nature of the energy transition.

Quality Seal

The Energy Transition Award's Quality Seals are awarded to energy suppliers who are distinguished by an above-average portfolio of products, services and information related to the energy transition by EUPD Research. The best municipal utilities in each pillar of the energy transition - heating, electricity, mobility, energy efficiency and the energy transition (comprehensive) - are honored. The quality seals are licensed by EUPD Research and offer added value in corporate communication and marketing. 

Evaluation and Winner Selection

All the information collected during the Mystery Shopping flows into the central database of energy suppliers. The information collected here is converted into a point scale and then evaluated. On the one hand, the evaluation of the mystery shopping takes place at the level of the four sectors electricity, heat, mobility and energy efficiency. On the other hand, the four sectors are merged in the overarching category Energy Transition. The sectoral evaluation and awarding of the Energy Transition Award is critical, as the majority of energy suppliers are only active in the electricity or heat sector. Based on an objective evaluation of the energy suppliers’ portfolio, the winners of the Energy Transition Award will be awarded in the four sectors as well as the top category 'energy transition'.

History of Award Winners in the DACH Region

Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2024
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2023
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2022
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2021
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2020
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2019
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2018
Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2017


The smarter EEUPD Research