Energiewende Award | HERSTELLER | 6. Dezember 2023

Steigenberger Icon Grandhotel & Spa Petersberg
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Energy Transition Award for Manufacturers

The Energy Transition Award is presented to manufacturers who distinguish themselves through outstanding results among installers and end customers, and thus drive forward the energy transition in Germany in the individual segments such as electricity, heating, energy efficiency and mobility, in an exemplary manner through their commitment. The electricity category awards manufacturers of PV modules, inverters and energy storage systems. Heat pump manufacturers can qualify in the heat category. The energy efficiency category honors manufacturers of home energy management systems (HEMS).The mobility category includes wallbox manufacturers.

The companies that succeed in fully integrating the new energy world into their product and service portfolio are seen as role models for other manufacturers.

Keywords such as decarbonization, electrification or sector coupling express the basic ideas of the energy transition: the reduction of CO2 emissions in energy production while increasing energy efficiency. The goal of sustainable energy production and use without CO2 emissions in the future is only possible with the extensive use of renewable energy sources in electricity, heating and mobility applications.



Analytic Process & Evaluation

The evaluation of the manufacturers is based in equal part on results from installer and end customer surveys, which are conducted annually by EUPD Research in Germany. More than 6,000 end customers and more than 1,000 installers have evaluated the brands of the manufacturers.

At the heart of the study is an extensive empirical survey (primary research) of a sample of companies that install roof-mounted PV systems or building-integrated solutions. Among other things, the installers were asked about brand awareness, distribution and willingness to recommend the technologies PV modules, inverters, storage and Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS). A total of 293 interviews were conducted as a quantitative survey (CATI) on the German market.

400 installers who install charging stations in Germany were surveyed (quantitative survey, CATI) as the basis for the ratings of the wallbox manufacturers’ brands.

351 installers (quantitative survey, CATI), who mainly install air-to-water heat pumps in Germany, were surveyed as the basis of the ratings for the brands of the heat pump manufacturers.

Active users of an online platform were surveyed regarding brand awareness, technology ownership and willingness to recommend technologies such as PV modules, inverters, storage, HEMS and charging stations. The end customers are a very technical and well-informed group of people who live in Germany, live in a self-occupied home, and own or plan to own a PV system.


Im Zentrum der Studie steht eine umfassende empirische Befragung (Primärforschung) einer Stichprobe von Unternehmen, die PV-Aufdachanlagen oder gebäudeintegrierte Lösungen installieren. Die Installationsunternehmen wurden unter anderem zur Markenbekanntheit, Distribution und Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft der Technologien PV-Module, Wechselrichter, Speicher und Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) befragt. Eine Gesamtzahl von 293 Interviews wurden als quantitative Befragung (CATI) auf dem deutschen Markt durchgeführt.

Als Basis der Bewertungen für die Marken der Wallboxhersteller wurden 400 Installateure befragt (quantitative Befragung, CATI), die Ladestationen in Deutschland installieren.

Als Basis der Bewertungen für die Marken der Wärmepumpenhersteller wurden 351 Installateure befragt (quantitative Befragung, CATI), die hauptsächlich Luft-Wasser-Wärmepumpen in Deutschland installieren.

Aktive Nutzer und Nutzerinnen einer Onlineplattform wurden unter anderem hinsichtlich Markenbekanntheit, Technologie-Besitz und Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft zu den Technologien PV-Module, Wechselrichter, Speicher, HEMS und Ladestationen befragt. Bei den Endkunden und Endkundinnen handelt es sich um einen sehr technikaffinen und gut informierten Personenkreis, der in Deutschland lebt, in einem selbstbewohnten Eigenheim wohnt, eine PV-Anlage besitzt oder bei dem eine PV-Anlage in der Planung ist.

Das Qualitätsmodell des EWAs

Quality Model

The Energy Transition Award quality model distinguishes between the four energy transition segments: electricity, heat, energy efficiency and mobility. In each segment, the products are examined for awareness, distribution and satisfaction among installers and end customers.

In the context of the installer surveys, the quality model includes the criteria of brand awareness, willingness to recommend and distribution (width, depth and reach). In the end-customer survey, the focus is on brand awareness, willingness to recommend and the share held by the end-customers.

Quality Seal

The Energy Transition Award's Quality Seals are awarded and licensed to manufacturers by EUPD Research. They offer added value in corporate communication and marketing. 

Winners of the Energy Transition Award 2024 in Germany


EUPD Research